P435 – Mirror Unit SXR XFEL PAL
Mirror unit (M1) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation
Year of delivery
Installation site
Soft X-ray beamline (XFEL) at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, South Korea
This mirror unit for the soft X-ray beamline at the Korean XFEL features a cardanic mount to realize the required degrees of freedom. B4C beam blocking provisions are integrated in the system.
Design Features
In-UHV stacked design for the requested degrees of freedom.
XFEL compatible.
- Spectral range: 270 – 1300 eV.
- Pitch rotation stage motorized and encoded in-UHV.
- Roll rotation guidance system motorized and encoded in-UHV.
- Linear stage for mirror horizontal translation motorized and encoded in-air.
- Temperature sensor at pitch stage.
- Electrode at mirror surface for carbon contamination prevention.
- Active water cooling of the mirror.
Motion control system with EPICS interface.
- Adjustable support structure.
- Permanently installed bakeout provisions.
Performance Features
- High positioning resolution (minimum incremental motion).
- High pitch rotation stability and repeatability.
- Minimized mounting induced deformations.
Outer Dimensions
Technical specifications and performance values
Vacuum chamber
Chamber type
cylindrical, vertical axis
Main flanges
at the top
1.4404 (C < 0.02%)
Base pressure
10-10 mbar range
Optical design parameters
Beam height
1400 mm
Number of mirrors
Surface shape
Mirror dimensions
600 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm
Mirror mechanics
Pitch rotation
± 5 mrad
Resolution (design value)
0.036 µrad /motor step
0.0067 µrad /encoder count
Resolution (measured value)
0.05 µrad
0.11 µrad (pitch)
0.15 µrad (roll)
Long-term stability (> 30 minutes)
0.016 µrad
Roll rotation
± 10 mrad
Resolution (design value)
0.068 µrad /motor step
0.0067 µrad /encoder count
Resolution (measured value)
0.10 µrad
0.05 µrad (pitch)
0.16 µrad (roll)
Long-term stability (> 30 minutes)
0.023 µrad
along surface normal
± 10 mm
0.30 µm /motor step
0.05 µm /encoder count
0.06 µrad (pitch)
0.13 µrad (roll)